When is the best time to visit Puerto Morelos
Short answer : All times are great times to visit Puerto Morelos! Below are a few things to consider when planning your trip:
Puerto Morelos sits at Latitude 20.85 so the climate is warm year round but that’s not to say that we don’t have seasons here.
Winter: December-March
Sunny days and cooler nights, clear water and clean beaches. Remember we are on Eastern Standard Time and in the state of Quintana Roo We don’t change time backward or forward it stays the same. December-February It gets dark early and restaurants fill up when the sun goes down.
We have many retired couples who spend winters here and have been coming for years.
Christmas in the Caribbean: from December 18-January 2 the town is full of families spending their holiday here.
TIP: plan ahead. Restaurants fill up at sunset. The good news is there are dozens of awesome restaurants if one seems crowded with a wait to get seated. You can also opt for a later dinner; 8:30 to avoid the 6:30 dinner rush. OR order take out early and eat at your condo or on the beach!
*TIP mosquitoes are bad at the hour of sunrise and sunset: wear pants or use repellent if you are out during those times
TIP: book less advertised excursions. Xcaret parks are saturated during the holiday. If you go be prepared for lines
TIP: Bring a light cover up for the evenings.
Spring: March and April
Days start getting longer and hotter.
March: School vacation schedules mean family travel time.
TIP: if you are not very tolerant of kids playing in your pool complex ask your manager what to expect. At Playasol we have lots of kids in the pool in March.
March / April: Semana Santa … Depending what day Easter Sunday falls on there is a 2 week time period where all schools in Mexico are off, and Nationals head to the beach.
*Thursday, Friday , Saturday before Easter Sunday are the heavily trafficked beach days. Lots of families on the beach drinking eating partying…. This past April you could hardly see sand on the beach there were so many people for the Easter weekend.
*If you book a trip around this holiday be prepared for a crowded beach scene.
TIP: May is a great month to visit Puerto Morelos. Rental rates drop, There are fewer people traveling because it gets nice everywhere else in North America so you can get good deals on excursions, smaller lines, less crowded transportation, cheaper airfare, cheaper car rentals too if you’re lucky;-)
Hurricane season and Sargasso season…
*this is still a great time to visit Puerto Morelos.
*TIP: If you’re traveling during this time. Try to stay longer than a week preferably (at least) 10 days to one month. We cannot predict the weather, but usually we have ‘Chubascos’ fast passing heavy rain storms that last about 45 minutes and then the suns out again. Or there’s a chance a storm system will come through bringing rain for 2 or 3 days.
*Sargasso… The algae weed that has shown up by the ton all through the Caribbean since 2013. Ask your host what the typical beach situation is during the time you have booked. Here in town there are parts of the beach north and south of the dock that can have large amounts of Sargasso on the beach and water and it’s unpleasant…. The thing is there is no way to predict it and one day could be horrible and the next day clean crystal clear turquoise blues… The town has put up a Sargasso barrier for the past three years. I can talk about that in another post, but basically the sections of beach that fare best when Sargasso is coming in heavy are between the main dock with the leaning lighthouse north to the access way of Lázaro Cárdenas by My Paradise Beach Club.
*TIP: Stay in a place where your host will help you out if there’s a bigger storm.
*Tip: https://www.nhc.noaa.gov
is the most reliable place to track Atlantic hurricanes
*We check wind, weather, hurricane prognostic about five times a day.
Be well!